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Since forever, the only entity to constantly defy change is change itself. The phenomenal rise of man from primates to globe- trotting to space-trotting species is not unknown to any. Man, in his quest of this change has always found the most able accomplice in science. Science and technology, like good Samaritans, have always assisted man in his perennial quest for change. The quest continues, and science continues to be the old Good Samaritan, amusing us with its mystical dimensions, boggling our thoughts, confusing us, comforting us. .

At Prayas 2010, we set out on an exploration of the jungle called science. We seek to dwell deep into this mystical world and bring together the young geniuses of today to go to places yet unseen, to find truths yet unknown, and to reach out for the stars never thought of. We aspire to share your visions and your company, in this journey of ours, and together leave the trail for others to follow.



Prayas-2010 is the 5th event of Prayas series whoes maiden attemp was in March 2006 to give nudding engineers a platform to develop skills complementing their courses curriculum. The events are intended as common grounds for students from diffrent areas and mindsets to come together and share ideas. Technical events help in developing communication skill of the student and make them more expressive. This becomes a major asset in the real world.Hopefully, this meet will help to develop and inspire young minds for the future. .

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